Monday, March 3, 2014

The Hair Rebonding Process

     Hair Rebonding is a process wherein we alter the bonds of the hair in order to achieve a different texture/shape. Technically speaking, perming can also be considered a rebonding process.  But due to its popularity with straightening iron, rebonding has been known as a process of straightening the hair.

        Each strand of our hair has three types of bonds within its cortex namely: hydrogen, saline and disulfide bonds.  Hydrogen and Saline are bonds easily broken with water.  But they also mend easily when the hair dries up.  The third bond, the disulfide bond however is not easily broken.  It is this bond that holds the shape of our hair.  To soften the hair and temporarily break the disulfide bond, we will need to apply a rebonding cream with an ingredient called Thio.  Afterwhich, we can already alter the shape of the hair with the proper application of heat and pressure.  But it does not end there. After ironing, we will still need to apply a fixature containing hydrogen peroxide ingredient, to mend whatever bond we have broken at the start.  This will make permanent the new shape that we have created with the client's hair, leaving it soft and natural looking.

        It may sound like a very simple process but it definitely is not.  Wrong application could leave one with over processed hair or in worst case a bald head.  That is why it is very important to leave these things to the professionals.  No “do-it-yourself” at home please.  Looking for the right person to do the job is already a challenge by itself.  Because some people are just too brave to do the deed without proper training.  It is to note that hair dressing in the Philippines is not yet properly regulated.  Sometimes I see salons in my neighborhood offering this service at an insanely low rate, I cannot help question “Where's the catch?”.  I hope there is no problem about the skills of the one doing the rebonding.  But why does he value his work so low?  Or could it be he is using substandard rebonding creams that may leave your hair straight but unnaturally stiff?  If by some way he can give truthful and reasonable answers to these questions, then consider yourself lucky to have found him.  Take the chance and maybe consider recommending him to your friends.

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